Marketing Strategy Services For

Growing Businesses

Stop winging it and build your marketing action plan

Schedule a Free Marketing Strategy Consultation

Gain more clarity, control, and confidence with a comprehensive marketing strategy plan just for you.

Clarity over your messaging

Control over your marketing

Confidence over what to do and not do

Why You Need a Strategy Diagnosis

Before a Tactical Prescription

Let me ask you a few questions...

  • Do you feel like you’re trying to sell to everyone?
  • Do you feel like your business is a commodity?
  • Is price always an issue with your clients?
  • Do you seem to be attracting the wrong types of clients?
  • Are you struggling to stand out from your competitors?

The answers to the questions above aren’t found in prescriptions such as Advertising, LinkedIn, SEO, Facebook, or Web Content – these are
strategy problems and they can only be addressed with strategy answers.

Once you develop a marketing strategy plan for your business you’ll uncover that:

  • You can attract ideal clients that are profitable and refer you
  • You can become the obvious choice provider in ways that make the competition irrelevant
  • Clients expect to pay a premium to work with you
  • You can identify the best ways for you to attract new business

What a Marketing Strategy Consulting

Engagement Includes:

As a part of this engagement, we interview your existing customers and analyze your competitors or competitive solutions. We build ideal client personas and establish a marketing message that will speak to them. We map out your editorial calendar and determine how to make content a relationship-workhorse. And we audit the customer journey (buying process) and identify gaps in your current marketing approach. This gives you a firm foundation on which to build your tactics and move your marketing forward based on a solid strategy.

Schedule a Free Marketing Strategy Consultation
  • Discovery Meeting

    During this meeting, we’ll learn about your current marketing efforts as well as future goals and objectives.

  • Ideal Client Research and Message

    We’ll interview ideal clients to discover your most effective competitive advantage. You will receive access to interview summaries, ideal client profiles, and our recommendation for your marketing message.

  • Competitive Research

    Snapshot report on competitive factors of your top competitors. Summaries include market positioning, website factors, and reviews.

  • Customer Journey Map

    Using our Customer Journey approach we’ll create a roadmap of suggested marketing tactics for each of the phases of the Journey: Awareness, Education, Sample, Purchase, and Refer.

  • Marketing Strategies

    We’ll recommend the highest-impact strategies to implement based on the marketing maturity of company-specific marketing channels.

  • Marketing Calendar

    Based on our customer journey approach and targeted strategies we’ll build a marketing calendar with a focus on channels, content, cadence, and priorities for the next quarter. 

  • Final Presentation

    Once we complete our work we’ll schedule a time to meet with you and your team to deliver the items above and map out what we believe are your best next steps. 

    From this point, you can implement changes and tactics or ask us to propose managing or installing your ongoing marketing.

The entire process takes about 45-60 days.*

When you receive our strategy findings you’ll have a clear direction for differentiation and attracting your ideal customer and a roadmap of the most effective ways to generate leads.

Let us help you grow your business

Our team can help you create an effective marketing strategy and get you setup with the right solution to meet your business needs.

100% Value Guarantee

If after we deliver your strategy presentation you don’t think you can use this information to improve the marketing of your business, simply let us know and we’ll continue to work towards a solution.

The first step to getting started is to fill out the contact form and select Marketing Strategy Plan Consultation Request.

This will allow us to schedule a conversation to ensure we are a good fit for each other and help us understand the details of your situation. Once you complete the form, we will contact you to set up a time to connect by phone.

After Your Strategy,

Choose The Level Of Installation Support You Need 

Companies with an internal marketing team

If you have an internal marketing team or outsourced vendors but no strategic leader, we can be a fractional CMO and oversee the team in installing a marketing process.

Companies with admin support

If you have admin support who posts to social media, develops newsletters, makes edits to the website, creates graphics, or monitors Google My Business, we can consult, manage and train them on installing a marketing process.

Companies with no team or admin support

If you have no team or admin support, our Indispensable Marketing team can act as an internal marketing project assistant or manager to install your marketing process.

Marketing Strategy Insights

By Patrick McFadden 28 Apr, 2024
Explore essential marketing insights for small businesses! Elevate your brand and attract customers with expert tips. Read more to empower your business!
By Patrick McFadden 29 May, 2023
In the world of marketing, success is not about guesswork or blindly following popular platforms. It’s about conducting thorough research, diagnosing the needs of your target audience, and developing tailored strategies that yield tangible results. In this article, we will explore the power of research and diagnosis in marketing and how it can revolutionize your approach to driving business. Research: Uncovering Hidden Insights Research is the foundation of effective marketing. It involves delving deep into your target audience’s behavior, preferences, and decision-making processes. By understanding where your ideal clients hang out, how they gather information, and where they seek solutions, you gain invaluable insights. This research-driven approach allows you to go beyond assumptions and base your marketing efforts on concrete data. Diagnosis: The Key to Precision Once you have gathered research data, it’s time to diagnose the real problems and needs of your target audience. This step involves analyzing the information you have collected and identifying patterns, pain points, and motivations. By diagnosing these factors accurately, you can prescribe effective marketing tactics that address your audience’s specific needs and desires. Tailored Strategies: Aligning with the Diagnosis A diagnosis without a tailored prescription is incomplete. Armed with your research and diagnosis, it’s time to develop marketing strategies that align with your audience’s needs and preferences. This may involve choosing specific channels, creating targeted messaging, and delivering personalized experiences. By tailoring your strategies to match the diagnosis, you increase the chances of resonating with your ideal clients and driving meaningful engagement. Implementation: Bringing the Diagnosis to Life An effective marketing strategy is only as good as its execution. Implementing your tailored strategies requires careful planning, consistent monitoring, and continuous optimization. Whether it’s leveraging social media platforms, creating compelling content, or engaging in industry-specific communities, the key is to align your implementation with the diagnosis and track its impact on your business. Marketing Success is Not Guesswork Marketing success is not a result of guesswork or following generic advice. It requires a systematic approach rooted in research, diagnosis, and tailored strategies. By understanding where your target audience hangs out, diagnosing their real problems, and implementing targeted marketing tactics, you can achieve remarkable results. Embrace the power of research and diagnosis, and watch as your marketing efforts transform into meaningful connections, increased engagement, and long-term business growth. Contact Your Marketing Consultant at Indispensable Marketing If you’re a small service based business that needs help with systematic approach to marketing success or your business’s online presence on Google and other search engines, at Indispensable Marketing we can help. We offer marketing strategy consulting , marketing audits, monthly marketing packages , consultations, exploratory calls or monthly local SEO services . Contact us for more information.
By Patrick McFadden 20 May, 2023
In the vast landscape of marketing, finding success lies in narrowing your focus. A well-defined marketing strategy requires identifying the precise audience, partnerships, and market segments that align best with your business. Let's delve into the significance of narrowing your focus and how it can unlock remarkable results. 1. Defining Your Ideal Prospect: Generalizing your target as "small business owners" won't suffice. To maximize your marketing impact, narrowing your focus allows you to identify and prioritize your ideal prospects—the ones most likely to become long-term, profitable customers. Consider profitability, engagement levels, specific contracts, services/products, geographic areas, or even the type of decision-makers you want to work with. By pinpointing your ideal prospect, you can tailor your marketing efforts to effectively attract and connect with the right audience. 2. Tailoring Your Approach: Once you've identified your ideal prospects, it's crucial to tailor your marketing approach to their specific needs and preferences. For instance, if your focus is on Baby Boomers, understanding their unique problems and desires enables you to craft messaging that resonates deeply. Likewise, if you specialize in serving a particular industry or institution, using language that avoids overwhelming jargon builds trust and fosters stronger connections. By aligning your marketing with the characteristics and pain points of your narrowed target audience, you can create personalized strategies that truly resonate. 3.Strategic Content and Engagement: Narrowing your focus empowers you to optimize your content and engagement strategies. Rather than spreading yourself thin, concentrate on specific geographic areas, buying triggers, or niche markets. This targeted approach allows you to develop highly relevant, valuable content that directly addresses your ideal prospects' needs. By avoiding generic messaging and utilizing platforms and channels that resonate with your narrowed audience, you establish a stronger online presence and attract more qualified leads. In the ever-evolving realm of marketing, narrowing your focus holds the key to driving exceptional results. By defining your ideal prospects, tailoring your approach to their needs, and optimizing your content and engagement strategies, you position yourself to attract the right customers and build enduring relationships. Embrace the art of narrowing, and witness how your marketing efforts become more impactful, generating tangible business outcomes. Contact Your Marketing Consultant at Indispensable Marketing If you’re a small business company that needs help with creating a marketing strategy or your plumbing company’s online presence on Google and other search engines, at Indispensable Marketing we can help. We offer marketing strategy consulting , marketing audits, monthly marketing packages , consultations, exploratory calls or monthly local SEO services . Contact us for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions About Marketing Strategy

  • What is the difference between marketing strategy and marketing tactics?

    A marketing strategy refers to a company's overall plan or approach to reach its ideal target market and achieve its marketing objectives. It involves identifying a segment of the market that is ideal for you, analyzing the competition, and determining the most effective marketing mix (i.e., the combination of products, pricing, promotion, and distribution) to reach and engage potential customers.

    On the other hand, marketing tactics are the specific actions or efforts a company takes to implement its marketing strategy. These include advertising, social media campaigns, email marketing, events, and public relations efforts. Marketing tactics are typically more specific and focused on executing a particular aspect of the overall marketing strategy.

    In summary, marketing strategy is the big-picture plan that guides marketing efforts. In contrast, marketing tactics are the specific actions to implement that plan.

  • What is the Indispensable Marketing Process?

    The Indispensable Marketing Process is a repeatable framework and process that allows small business owners and CEOs to create wins by focusing on “Diagnosis Before Prescription” to create a winning plan and then quickly moving to retainer engagements with a set blueprint to guide the engagement.

  • Why is a marketing strategy important for my business?

    Having a complete Marketing strategy is vital for any small business. A clear strategy enables you to plan how you will reach your target market, which can lead to increased revenue and profit. A proper marketing strategy will increase your scope of potential customers so that you are not just throwing money at different advertising tactics and hoping that something sticks. A marketing strategy for your small business allows you to be surgical and succinct in your approach leading to minimal waste and maximum profit.

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